2024 in color
It’s usually this time of year after going through every image I have delivered that I come up with something really important to say. But truthfully - this year - I don’t. All that I have to offer is a lot of gratitude. I’m overwhelmed by all of the joy I witnessed in both the intimate and ‘bursting with energy’ moments. Being given the trust to document memories is such an honor and I am so thankful to continue to do it. I am going into next year equally as excited to be a part of so many celebrations as I was my first year.
I hope that while the world seems to be truly going through it right now, looking at these images gives you a tiny escape into how much love and closeness there can be. If I’ve come to accept anything this year, it’s that both things can exist at the same time. Joy and grief. Loss and abundance. Celebration and mourning. And the thing about weddings that makes them so human, is that they are the perfect reflection of just that.